Sunday, July 11, 2010

Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008- Revision of option exercised under Rule 6 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008

F.No.7/14/2010-E.III (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, the 5th July, 2010.


Subject:- Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008- Revision of option exercised under Rule 6 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008


In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 11 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, where a Government servant opts to continue to draw his pay in the existing scale from the 1st day of January 2006 and switch over to the revised scale from a date later than the 1st day of January, 2006, his pay from the later date in the revised scale is required to be fixed under Rule 11(i) of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. As per Rule 5 of these Rules, this option to switch over to the revised pay structure from a date later than 1.1.2006 is available to a Government Servant:

(i) Who elects to continue to draw pay in the existing scale until the date on which he earns his next or any subsequent increment in the existing scale or until he vacates his post or ceases to draw pay in that scale.

(ii) who has been placed in a higher pay scale between 1.1.2006 and the date of notification of these Rules on account of promotion, upgradation of pay scale etc. the Government servant may elect to switch over to the revised pay structure from the date of such promotion, up-gradation etc.

3. As per Rule 6 (1) of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 the option in the format appended to the Second Schedule was required to be exercised within three months from the date of issue of these Rules.

4.Further Rule 6 (4) provided that the option once exercised shall be final. The Staff Side has represented on this issue and have requested that the first option exercised may not be treated as final keeping in view the new system of pay band and grade pays and that employees may be allowed to revise their option if the option is more beneficial to them.

5. On further consideration and in exercise of the powers available under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, the President is pleased to decide that in relaxation of stipulation under Rule 6 (4) of these Rules employees may be permitted to revise their initial option upto 31.12.2010 if the option is more beneficial to them. The revised option shall be intimated to the Head of his Office by the Government servant in accordance with the provision of Rule 6 (2) of the Revised Pay Rules, 2008.

6. In so far as persons serving in Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

(Renu Jain)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Regulation of the Date of Next Increment in case of EOL (without medical certificate)

No.16/2/2009-Estt.(Pay I)
Government of India

Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances 8 Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, the 2nd July 2010.
Subject: Regulation of the Date of Next Increment in case of Extra-ordinary leave (without medical certificate) after implementation of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 - clarification regarding.
Consequent upon the implementation of CCS(RP) Rules 2008, the increments in the revised pay structure are to be regulated in terms of Rule 10 of the CCS (RP) Rules 2008. This rule states that ‘there will be a uniform date of annual increment viz. 1″ of July every year. Employees completing 6 months and above in the revised pay structure as on 1st July will be eligible to be granted the increment.”
2.        The issue of regulation of date of next increment in case of EOL (withoutmedical Certificate) after implementation of CCS (RP) Rules 2008, has been examined in consultation with the Department of Expenditure.
3.           It is clarified that except as provided under the conditions laid down in this Department’s OM dated 18.2.1986, qualifying service of less than six months on account of EOL (without medical certificate) between 1″ July of the previous year till 30th June of the year under consideration shall have the effect of postponing the increment to 1st July of the next year. The same stipulation will also be applicable to those cases where the increment became due on 1.7.2006. In terms of this Department’s O.M. No. 13017/20/85-Esn. (L) dated 18.2.1986, EOL granted for the following purposes automatically counts as qualifying service for pension and for increments without any further sanctions:-
(i) EOL granted due to inability of a Government servant to join or rejoin duty on account of civil commotion.
(ii) EOL granted to a Government servant for prosecuting higher technical and scientific studies.
4. Hindi version will follow
(Rita Mathur)