Sunday, August 9, 2009

Finance Ministry approved Rs.5000-8000(Rs.4200 Grade Pay) for MCM

Dear affiliates,
You are aware that the demand for granting Rs.5000-8000 to MCM in Defence at par with Railways was persued by INDWF with M of D. Later this was refused by VI CPC and the same was not considered. Railways MCM was also brought down to Rs.4500-7000 at par with Defence.
INDWF vide our letter No.INDWF/RM/30/2004 dt.28.9.2008 represented to Ministry of Defence to refer the issue to Fast Track Committee and was replied by M of D vide their letter No.PCI to F.No.1088/2008-D(einl) dt.8.11.2008 addressed to General Secretary, INDWF stating that the matter was placed before the Fast Track Committee along with Railways.
Subsequently a meeting was held with M of D on 19.6.2008 and with Ministry of finance(Expenditure) on 19.2.2009 and was agreed to grant Rs.5000-8000 provided it in agreed to demerge Highly Skilled in to Highly Skilled I and Highly Skilled II grades.

Now Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) issued amendment to G.S.R.552(E) to Central Civil Services(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 for the workshop staff as follows and issued Notification through Gazette of India on 28.7.2009 published by the controller of publications, New Delhi-110 054.

Highly Skilled:-


Rs.4000-6000 ----------4000-6000 (50%) - PB-1 - GP-2400

Rs.4000-6000 --------- 4500-7000 (50%) - PB-1 GP-2800

Master Craftsman:

Rs.4500-7000 - ----5000-8000 - PB-2 - GP-4200

Now M of D will issue the orders for implementation based on the above amendments approved by Finance Ministry (Expenditure). According to which the ratio will be as follows;-

MCM - 14%------------- MCM - 14%

HS - 41% --------------- HS I - 20.5%

-------------------------HS II - 20.5%

SK-45%-----------------SK- 45%

(i) 14% MCM will get increase in Grade Pay from 2800 to 4200 i.e., Rs.1400 total increase.
(ii) From HS – 20.5% will be promoted to Grade Pay from Rs.2400 to 2800 increase Rs.400 Grade Pay.
The date of effect will be from 1.1.2006 .MOD will issue clear orders.


General Secretary,



  1. NATIONAL EMPLOYEES UNION-CFAAugust 23, 2009 at 7:15 PM

    This is a historic achievement of Shri.R.Srinivasan &INDWF.

  2. 1. Civilian Motor driver grade I are equal grade pay with the MCM i.e. 2800/- At least 50% of senior most Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) have the right to get promotion as Special Grade. in the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34800 those who are completed of 24 years regular service, due the following reasons :-

    (a). As per the latest policy, only 5% of senior most Civilian Motor Drivers ( Special Grade) (Staff Car Drivers) are getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34500 at the time of retirement on completion of 35 to 37 years of service, due to the introduction four grade structure i.e. Ordinary grade, Grade II ,Grade I & Special grade in the grade ratio system of 30:30:35:5 respectively. Earlier there was three grade structure. However, due to ban on recruitment , 50% of CMDs are having more than 25 years of regular service and waiting for promotion as Special grade. Therefore, it is a matter of fact that minimum 50% of senior most CMDs have the right to get promotion as Special Grade.

    The grade ratio has to be revised to 50% instead of 5% or time scale promotion be recommended to Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers)
    (b) All those who are initially appointed in the Group ‘C’ category ( including skilled industrial personnel), are getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34500 after completion of 24 years except Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers). (b) The semiskilled industrial personnel who are appointed before 1982 and got more than three promotions and more than two financial up gradations are granted the pay scale of Rs, 5000-150-8000 after completion of 24 yrs under the ACP Scheme(For. e.g., WIREMAN, LINEMAN, SBA, MPA, PHO, DES, PAINTER, CARPENTER, MASON, PLUMPER, PIPEFITTER etc).All these categories were semiskilled before 1982. However, CMDs who are Group ‘C’ (Skilled) employee since the Independence of India are not getting the pay scale of Rs 5000-150-8000 after completion of 24 years.The mazdoor, chowkidar , peon who were re-classified as LDC are getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34800 after completion of 24 yrs in the Group ‘C’ category. However, the mazdoors re- classified as Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) are not getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34800 even after completion of 30 to 35 yrs as Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers). Further, four grade structure promotion has been introduced instead of three grade structure with the grade ratio system of 30:30:35:5, which was adversely affected promotion of Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers). However, the grade structure of grade II and grade I have been merged in to one grade in case of Industrial tradesmen and JEs (Supdt gde I &II) , O/S (Asst& O/S), Draftsman( Gde II & Gde I), Supvr.B/S (Gde II &Gde I), & Stenos (Gde II & Gde I) which was very favour to them. The implementation of three grade structure in case of Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) also by merging the CMD Gde I and Special Gde into one grade is very essential in the ratio of 30:30:40 for justification. Justice delayed is justice denied

  3. Being a Master Craftsman in OFAJ, I am very happy with the Govt. decision to give Rs.4200 as grade Pay to MCM. I also congratulate INDWF for their struggle and success in the matter.
    Prior to this order MCMs were promoted to Chargeman Gr-II, considering their seniority in HS grade. As the Grade-Pay of MCM and CH/Man is same, both the posts to be given the next Grade Pay at the time of promotion. As such the MCM is eligible for promotion to the post of JWM, with the next Grade Pay of Rs.4600.

  4. Court verdict during 2001was as follows:”
    …… grant the applicants the pay scale of Rs.1400-2300/- for the Master Craftsman /Head Staff Car Driver, presently existing in the Railways, from the date of filling of the OA and to grant arrears and to allow consequential benefits."
    The benefits were extended to Defence ministry and Civilian Motor Driver grade I and MCM were drawing the equal grade pay of Rs. 2800/- till the implementation of 6th pay commission. The Grade pay of MCM have been upgraded with the grade pay of Rs. 4200/-.wef. Jan 2006.
    Now at least 50% of senior most Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) have the right to get promotion as Special Grade, in the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34800 those who are completed more than 18 years regular service due to the following reasons:-.
    On the strength of clarification No.59 of DOP&T OMNo.35034/1/97-Estt (D) (Vol.IV) dated 18 July, 2001, Civilian Motor Drivers working in various directorates under Ministry of Defence have been denied benefits of ACP Scheme. In this connection, it is stated that four Grade Promotional Scheme has been made available for Civilian Motor Drivers under Ministry of Defence w.e.f. 08/11/1996 which provides that a Civilian Motor Driver (Ord. Gde) with 9 years of service and having passed the requisite trade test will be considered for promotion to the post of Civilian Motor Driver (Gde II) but subject to availability of vacancy. Similarly, a Civilian Motor Driver with 15 years of service and having passed the trade test of CMD Gde I can be considered for promotion of CMD Gde I but only if and when vacancy is available. Further, a CMD Gde I is entitled for third promotion of CMD (SplGde) on completion of three years qualifying service (i.e after 18 years of service) but subject to availability of vacancy. Thus the four grade promotional scheme cannot be termed and construed to be a TIME BOUNDPROMOTION to deny ACP benefits to the Civilian Motor Drivers(CMDs).It is stated that as per DOP&T OM dated 09th Aug, 1999, ACP will not be applicable only in those cases where a TIME BOUND PROMOTION SCHEME is already available. As already stated above, no time bound promotion scheme is available for the Civilian Motor Drivers under Ministry of Defence. But due to DOP&T clarification ibid, all such CMDs have been denied their legitimate benefits. Your Excellency may please consider the above anomalous situation and may recommend for grant of benefits under TIME BOUNDPROMOTION to all affected CMDs.

    After completion of 18 years of service I became eligible for promotion as CMD (special grade) in the grade pay of Rs. 4200/- in the pay band 9300-34500 However, Now I had completed 26 years of service, neither promotion nor ACP scheme have been granted to me.. All other Group ‘C’ basic categories & skilled industrial staff who were appointed along with me or after my appointment are availing the benefit of grade pay of Rs. 4200/- in the pay band 9300-34500 either through promotion or ACP scheme. In my view it is an extreme injustice with me.

    Therefore, it is requested favourable action as deem fit may please be taken so that the grade ratio of CMD (Special grade) may be revised into 40% instead of 5% and the implementation of three grade structure in case of Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) by merging the CMD Gde I and Special Gde into one grade in the ratio of 30:30:40 as the 50% senior most CMDs are having more than 24 years of regular service. It is a request for justification

    Or time scale promotion may please be recommended to Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) As soon as CMDs Gde I who are completing 3 years in the grade are eligible for promotion to CMD Special grade and the promotion has to be granted forthwith. So that I may also be benefited either promotion or ACP scheme. As Justice delayed is justice denied
